
The fastest and most versatile JavaScript EXIF reading library.

Check out the repo or npm for docs and more information.

Issue Star Fork


Output ${status}


Click to open filepicker
drop your file here
Browsers cannot display
tif and heic images

Options Toggle all

  // APP segments
  tiff: ,
   // TIFF blocks
  ├─ifd0: ,
  ├─exif: ,
  ├─gps: ,
  ├─interop: ,
  ├─ifd1: ,
   // other data
  ├─makerNote: ,
  └─userComment: ,
  xmp: ,
  icc: ,
  iptc: ,
  // JPEG only
  jfif: ,
  // PNG only
  ihdr: ,
  // output styles
  mergeOutput: ,
  sanitize: ,
  reviveValues: ,
  translateKeys: ,
  translateValues: ,
  // for XMP Extended
  multiSegment: ,

Embedded thumbnail

File doesn't contain thumbnail

Raw output Toggle fullscreen

${rawOutput | json}


You can find more examples here in the GitHub repo.

  • DND multiple photos, display their GPS on a map and measure time and RAM usage
  • Parsing XMP and extracting depth-map and displaying it in a browser or saving it to disk with Node 'fs'
  • Extracting thumbnail and displaying it in a browser or saving it to disk with Node 'fs'
  • Parsing in web worker
  • Import format: CommonJS or ES Modules
  • Filters & perf improvements: Parsing as little tags to get GPS fast
  • Extract the full TIFF Segment vs just one block
  • Speed comparison of various input formats
  • Using Base64 string as an input
  • IE11 Support
  • Customization: importing file readers, segment parsers and dictionaries
  • License

    MIT, Mike Kovařík